Watch: Allen Stone & Macklemore perform ‘Neon Cathedral’

Allen Stone played two sold-out concerts backed by the Seattle Rock Orchestra at the Neptune Theatre over the weekend and the local soul singer on the rise had a few tricks up his sleeve during his performances.

One of those tricks was bringing his pal, and local hip-hop heavyweight, Macklemore, on stage for the song “Neon Cathederal.” If you’re a follower of the local scene then seeing the two on stage together shouldn’t come as a surprise. Not only do they exchange Twitter messages regularly, but Macklemore has been spotted sporting Allen Stone merchandise and there have been whispers of a collaboration between the two for quite some time. Also, as pointed out last year, it seems like Allen Stone is on a Macklemore-ian career path.

If Stone is on his way to becoming “Seattle famous”  a la Blue Scholars, Steve Poole and, well, Macklemore, then you’ll want to be sure to catch his next local performance which has yet to be announced. But given his recent succcesses and the rise of the local soul scene (Pickwick, Hot Bodies in Motion, et al) don’t be surprised if he pops up at Sasquatch!

A big thanks to Guerrilla Candy reader Amy who was at both of Stone’s shows and captured Macklemore’s drop-in on Stone on film.

About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 20 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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