Listen to Marco Collins on The Sibling Rivalry

A few weeks ago I helped premiere the trailer for the film The Glamour and the Squalor, which is a documentary about the life and career of local music icon Marco Collins.

The film is expected to be released early next year and it is currently in production and the filmmakers have launched a Kickstarter to help fund the production of the movie. To promote the Kickstarter Marco and the movie’s producer Andy Miniger have been making the media rounds doing interviews. One of the more satisfying, and hilarious, media stops was a two-part interview with my friends at the Sibling Rivalry.

The Sibling Rivalry is comedy podcast, hence the hilarity, but things got pretty serious and not-so-funny during the interview portion of the podcast. While plugging the Kickstarter, Marco opened up about his addiction issues and other parts of his life. It’s quite a good listen and I recommend checking it out over here.

As for the Kickstarter, you can make a donation over here. As expected, there are pretty cool items you can get for donating ranging from a Twitter follow and RT from Marco to having Marco DJ an event for you and more. As a limited-time bonus, if you donate between now and midnight on Friday (May 10) your donation will be generously matched by Caroline Egan who is a friend of the film crew.

About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 20 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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