Listen: Smokey Brights’ blazing new single ‘Viejo’

I always love it when my favorite local bands take their game to the next level. Hobosexual did it last year with the awesome conceptual “Hobosexual II,” Brent Amaker is doing it this year with the futuristic sounds of “Android Amaker,” Ra Scion did it last year and this year with the releases “Sickle and the Sword” and “Sharper Tool, Bigger Weapon.”

Now Guerrilla Candy favorites  Smokey Brights are taking it up a notch with their latest single “Viejo.” The song is a bright, warm burst of summer for your ears.

RELATED: Listen to Smokey Brights’ “No Sheer Force of Will”

You guys remember Smokey Brights, right? Maybe you remember them from here. Or maybe you remember them from when they played Guerrilla Candy’s Funofficial Bumbershoot Kickoff Party. Or perhaps you remember when I called them “one of the most promising and most underrated bands in Seattle” way back in 2012.

Regardless of whether  you remember them from those instances, you won’t be able to forget the Smokeys after taking a listen to “Viejo.”

About Travis Hay

Travis Hay is a music journalist who has spent the past 20 years documenting and enjoying Seattle's music scene. He's written for various outlets including MSN Music, the Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Seattle Weekly, Pearl Jam's Ten Club, and others.

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